Dr. Phil Hand is a dental surgeon who uses a laser system to perform surgeries. He requires his patients to pre-rinse with ozonated water before surgery to eliminate bacteria in the mouth — ensuring safer oral hygiene and minimizing the risk of airborne bacteria being transferred during the dental operation. Dr. Hand also uses ozonated water as a sanitizer to disinfect surfaces and dental units between surgeries, creating a germ-free environment for both patients and dental staff.

Performing dental surgery without pre-rinsing can lead to bacterial infections or complications in patients. But traditional chemical rinses may cause infection and/or discoloring of the teeth due to the chemical chlorhexidine. Alcohol-based rinses can also dry out the tissue in the mouth, causing dehydration and even stinging or irritation of the gums in some patients. Dr. Hand wanted to implement a pre-rinsing protocol before surgeries, but pre-rinsing is not common practice as there is currently no chemical solution on the market that is deemed safe and natural enough to accommodate this.
Dr. Hand installed a Central Disinfection Unit (CDU) by BioSure to the dental units of each surgical room in the clinic so that patients can pre-rinse with ozonated water before surgery. This lets patients reduce the risk from bacteria that can cause oral infections or medical conditions. The pre-rinse can also prevent the onset or development of tooth decay and is known to even promote wound healing after surgery. Furthermore, Dr. Hand also uses ozonated water to sanitize the dental units and surfaces in the dental surgery room, thus preventing the spread of surface bacteria. As a result, patients are receiving a superior level of care and service not found in dental surgery clinics that have yet to implement ozonated water solutions.