Ozonated Water Sanitation on Yachts

Ozonated Water Sanitation on Yachts

If you own a yacht, congratulations! We’re sure it’s your pride and joy. These prized possessions give you freedom unlike anything else. Breathing in the fresh ocean air as you set sail is likely one of the reasons you made the investment in the first place.  But...
Hand-washing with Ozone Water

Hand-washing with Ozone Water

Hand hygiene has never been taken so seriously by the public as it is in 2020  and 2021. Ever since COVID-19 emerged as a worldwide health emergency in February 2020, health agencies and healthcare workers have advised on how to protect ourselves from the new...
Ozone Mist: Our Front Line Defense Against COVID-19

Ozone Mist: Our Front Line Defense Against COVID-19

Amongst a pandemic, healthcare professionals and patients working in clinics, hospitals, and nursing homes are at a particularly high risk of infection due to unavoidable contact with the Covid-19 virus. These professionals have a responsibility to keep these spaces...
How Can Ozone Spray Improve Professional Sanitation?

How Can Ozone Spray Improve Professional Sanitation?

Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have been adding new measures to stay safe and healthy. Disinfection methods are also needed to add a layer of protection against the virus. Professional sanitation companies are now playing a new role in fighting...